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Ini Penyebab Game Fortnite Dihapus dari App Store & Play Store, Ternyata Masalah Duit!

Randy Fauzi F - Jumat, 14 Agustus 2020 | 11:00
Ilustrasi main Fortnite di perangkat mobile

Ilustrasi main Fortnite di perangkat mobile

"Rather than tolerate this healthy competition and compete on the merits of its offering, Apple responded by removing Fortnite from sale on the App Store, which means that new users cannot download the app, and users who have already downloaded prior versions of the app from the App Store cannot update it to the latest version,"

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Mereka juga membuat sebuah video khusus yang berisi ejekan terhadap Apple berjudul "Nineteen Eighty".

Tak hanya perusahaan, para fans juga ikut andil menyuarakan "ketidakadilan" yang diterima game kesayangannya.

Tagar #FreeFortnite pun digaungkan di berbagai media sosial.

Upaya Perdamaian

Meski situasi tengah memanas, baik Apple dan Google tetap membuka jalan perdamaian terhadap Epic Games.

Google bahkan bersedia untuk melakukan diskusi dan mencari jalan tengah agar Fortnite Mobile bisa kembali ke Play Store.

"However, we welcome the opportunity to continue our discussions with Epic and bring Fortnite back to Google Play,"

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Apple sedikit berbeda, perusahaan pimpinan Tim Cook seperti mempersulit, walaupun kesempatan itu masih ada.

"Will make every effort to work with Epic to resolve these violations so they can return Fortnite to the App Store,"

Editor : Nextren

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