CEO AMD, Dr. Lisa Su ungkapkan kerja sama ini mampu memperluas pasar Radeon di PC, game konsol, komputasi awan, hingga mobile.
AMD juga menyatakan sangat bersemangat untuk mempercepat proses pembuatan kartu grafis mobile dengan pelopor pasar seperti Samsung.
Adoption of our Radeon graphics technologies across the PC, game console, cloud and HPC markets has grown significantly and we are thrilled to now partner with industry leader Samsung to accelerate graphics innovation in the mobile market.Presiden Samsung Electronics, Inyup Kang juga menyatakan hal serupa, Samsung melihat adanya disruptif teknologi yang begitu cepat dan harus diantisipasi sedini mungkin.This strategic partnership will extend the reach of our high-performance Radeon graphics into the mobile market, significantly expanding the Radeon user base and development ecosystem
Bekerja sama dengan AMD mampu mempercepat proses perubahan tersebut.
As we prepare for disruptive changes in technology and discover new opportunities, our partnership with AMD will allow us to bring groundbreaking graphics products and solutions to market for tomorrow’s mobile applications.Bila kartu grafis mobile ini berhasil diluncurkan, bukan tidak mungkin akan mempengaruhi penggunaan ponsel, tablet, hingga beberapa perangkat mobile lain.We look forward to working with AMD to accelerate innovations in mobile graphics technologies that will help take future mobile computing to the next level
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